Change Default Music Player


Next, select Default apps from the menu tab at the left hand. Scroll down and you will notice the section for Music Player. Under this, Groove Music will be set as default. Whenever I try to change the default app for mp3, flac, etc the OpenWith.exe crashes and the settings dialog closes. I uploaded the event.

I want to change the default music app on my iPhone from Music to Spotify. Is this possible? My first guess is that I would have to jailbreak my phone. Is there anyway to do it without jailbreaking?

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7 Answers

Uninstall the default music app in iOS 11.Restart. voila.

My headphone control now works with wynk music app.control center also shows wynk music.

Krishan SubudhiKrishan Subudhi

I would say there isn't really any default music player on the iPhone. You could say that Apple's Music-app is the one that opens when you press 'Play' on the lock-screen or the 'multitasking bar', but there's no real advantage in that.


To answer your question, no. You are pretty much unable to change any default things in the non-jailbroken version of iOS.

With that said, you can do some tweaks having jailbroken your device. If you would like to use Siri to play your Spotify music, there is a jailbreak app for that called AssistantLove.
Other than that, you could use the jailbreak app SpotiPlay. It makes the Spotify-application the one used on the multitasking bar.

1,9562 gold badges13 silver badges35 bronze badges

There is no way to do this on a non-jailbroken iPhone. And even after jailbreaking, there is currently no tweak which lets you do this.

Bastian GruberBastian Gruber
3,60913 gold badges41 silver badges66 bronze badges

Ok so I found out how.

  1. Go to Spotify, don't play a song yet
  2. Plug in your headphones then play a song
  3. Now you lock your phone while the song is playing and now when you press the power button or the unlock button you should see the Spotify logo at the bottom left corner of the screen.

At least that's how I did it for Apple Music and then back to Spotify.

50.7k7 gold badges76 silver badges144 bronze badges

With iOS11 it seems like my iPhone changes back to the 'Music' app after a couple of minutes not using anything else. I did not like this since I hopped in my car and the music app started playing.

It's absolutely not the best option but for me it works quite well:

UNINSTALL the official music app

I have done this a couple of days ago and so far I actually like that scenario way better. Although it's still not perfect.. I'd rather have the option to choose the default player. But my guess is we won't see that happening any time soon..

I'm aware that this only works if you do not have a library from iTunes on your phone. But I guess many people who use spotify as their default player don't have a giant library and any need to have the music app installed.

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Uninstalling the default music app and restarting works on iOS 12.

One extra step I had to take to enable playback from the control center with the app closed was to go to Privacy > Media & Apple Music and enable access for the app.

As an alternative I use Evermusic Pro and I highly recommend it. I have no affiliation with the app or developer, just found it with search and after trying a bunch of other apps I think this is the best one.

54.7k14 gold badges116 silver badges164 bronze badges
Sorin ButurugeanuSorin Buturugeanu

Sorry for bumping old thread. iPhone users can now download 'MusicTube' for listening YouTube music on lockscreen.

7,0825 gold badges27 silver badges54 bronze badges

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Change Default Music Player Iphone

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