Job For Nfs-server.service Canceled.


I have attempted to install nfs on my Pi3 running Raspbian

htpc@MediaServer $ sudo systemctl start nfs-server sudo password for htpc: Job for nfs-server.service failed because the control process. Bug 1171603 - Require rpcbind.service in nfs-server. In nfs-server.service rather than rpcbind. Stop rpcbind.service Job for rpcbind.service canceled. You'll be doing the majority of the configuration on the server. Systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server”, it says “Job for nfs-server.service canceled”.

I have installed:-

Added to /etc/exports

Run sudo exportfs

I have enabled:-

I can mount on a Ubuntu machine with:-

Job For Nfs-server.service Canceled. Ubuntu

Unfortunately when I reboot Raspbian the nfs-kernel-server.service does not start.

and I need to manually restart with:-

I have seen a few reports of similar problems by others, but none with solutions.

MilliwaysJobMilliwaysJob For Nfs-server.service Canceled.
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1 Answer

This is a known problem in Debian and not even specific to the Pi. The problem goes way back to the time when Debian changed from the init system to systemd.The dependencies between nfs-kernel-server and rpcbind are not correctly defined. Debian/Raspbian still runs the old init.d scripts.The simpliest way out for me was to insert a

in /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server. It was in line #63 on my system.The hint came from had the problem on a Beagleboneblack and the sleep statement solved it for me.

Steffen RollerSteffen Roller

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