Skype Push To Talk 2018


Push to Talk Skype. Open the Skype App by clicking on the icon. Log in to your account.On the top of the window, we could see the Tools option, click on it and then we get a drop down menu. Select the Options from the drop down menu. Select Options, You can see a menu on left side of the screen window. Have a push to talk option for Skype for Business audio meetings. This would allow people to chew/drink without the entire meeting full of people hearing it. Likewise add a key mapping feature for this option. This way any keyboard key could be used to toggle talk on and off. Talk would be off by default and would be toggled on with the keyboard key.

  1. How To Use Skype Video Call

Hello guys, today in this article i am gonna tell you how to enable Skype Push to Talk feature on any device (WindowsOS, MacOS, Android, iOS). You can easily make skype push to talk feature on windows 10/8/7 using this step by step guide. So, without any further ado, let’s get straight to it.


  • 3 How To Enable Skype Push To Talk on Mobile/PC?

Skype: An Overview

Skype came into existence when the technical internet calling was not that advanced and there was no WhatsApp, Viber, IMO, or Hike. Those were the early days of voice over IP. Users can call people all over the world through internet.

Skype also allows users to see your friends or relatives face to face via video calling. Skype was the first of its kind and was founded in Luxembourg in 2003. Skype is owned by Microsoft Corp. Thousands of people joining Skype every day and it has seventy-four million users all over the world right now.

What is Skype Push to Talk?

Skype Push to talk is one feature that makes Skype unique and stands out from other calling applications. In this article we will tell you all about Skype Push to Talk and how to enable this feature on your Skype device. By enabling the Skype Push to talk feature, you can make your life a lot easier. This feature is also called as ‘Skype Toggle Mute Key’.

When you enable the Push Talk feature, you can call whole active group with one click. You don’t need to call each person individually. You can co-ordinate will all the members of the group all-together by pressing a single button. Skype Push Talk basically turns your laptop or mobile into a walkie-talkie.

You can use Skype Push talk for both video and audio calls. This feature is also used for individual and group calls. Skype Push talk is easy to use the feature. But, there might be few people who face difficulty to use this feature.

How To Enable Skype Push To Talk on Mobile/PC?

How to use skype for free

In this article, we tell you all step by step instructions to follow in order to enable Skype Push to talk.

Follow these simple steps to ENABLE NEW SKYPE PUSH TO TALK FEATURE.

How to Enable Skype Push to Talk on Mobile Application:

In this section, we will tell you about enabling Skype Push to Talk feature on Mobile App. If you use Skype via Mobile App, you need to follow these steps in order to Enable Skype Push to Talk feature:

  • The first step that you have to take is to open the Skype App on your mobile.
  • Log into your account by using correct details of your account.
  • In case you don’t have a Skype account, make a new one by filling the details and then you are good to go.
  • After logging into your account, you have to click on ‘Tools’ Link.
  • A drop-down menu will appear. Click on ‘Options’ from the drop-down menu.
  • You have to scroll down the page then.
  • A list of Options will appear afterward.
  • Now, you need to click on ‘Advanced’ option from all the options that are displayed.
  • There will be an option ‘Hotkeys’ appear on the left-hand side of the screen of your mobile application. Click on the option ‘Hotkeys’.
  • A list of options will appear on your screen. Now, you have to check the ‘Toggle mute (Push to Talk)’ box.
  • The last thing that you need to do now is by click on the link with ‘Change Selected Shortcut’. This link will be displayed on the bottom of the page.
  • By following the above steps, Skype Push to Talk feature will be activated on your Mobile App. You can call your friend circle all at one or individually, through this Push to Talk feature.

How to Enable Skype Push to Talk On PC/Computers:

This is the section where we will tell you about how to enable Skype Push to Talk feature. If you use Skype on a personal computer or a laptop via a web browser, then you have followed these steps to activate this feature.

To activate Push to Talk feature on your PC, you need to follow almost same steps as you have to do on Mobile App, except selecting the ‘Hotkeys’. Hotkeys play a very important role in Skype Push to Talk Feature.

Skype Push To Talk 2018
  1. Click on the option ‘Settings’ located at the left navigation panel on your Web Browser Skype.
  2. Select the ‘Advanced’ option.
  3. Click on the ‘Hotkeys’ option displayed on your window.
  4. The last thing that you need to do is to Enable the Push to talk Feature.

Watch this video tutorial to make skype push to talk feature on your account:

Wrapping Up:

That is all you have to do to Enable Skype Push to Talk feature on your Skype Account. Isn’t it easy friends? This is a very simple and quick way to enable this feature. When you are done with enabling Push to Talk feature, the Skype Push to talk feature will always appear at the bottom of the Skype window. You can mute and unmute chats according to your will through this option when you are on call.

this article is all about enabling Skype push to talk button feature, Skype is an application that can be used for video chats and as well as for voice calls. Â We could also send videos and text messages, images and a few more digital documents. Skype has a whopping 74 million users and still going strong.

Back in old days when there was no Whats -app, Hyke, Viber etc, we had one and only one synonym for video calls and that was ‘Skype’.

We do have many alternatives now which could do the exact same but you know we still prefer the old school 🙂

Today I will be discussing how can we can enable push to talk on Skype.

Before we proceed, let just have an idea on what is push to Talk is about?
So, push to talk is a feature that enables your phone or desktop into a walkie-talkie. Cool right 😛

Now to enable Skype Push To Talk, follow the below steps :

  • Open the Skye App by clicking on the icon.Login into your account.O n the top of the window we could see the Tools option, click on it and then we get a drop-down menu. Select the Options from the drop-down menu.
  • After we select the Options, we could see a menu on left side of the screen/ window. Select the Advanced option at the bottom of the menu
  • Now we will get some subcategories under this option, click on the option Hotkeys. Once done, we will get a list of option on the right side of the window with multiple options. Here at the end, we can see an option as Toggle Mute(push to talk). Check the box and click on button Change selected shortcut.

Still didn’t get check out this YouTube video

So guys, here now we are all set, just before you call your friend to check if this really works, do not forget to un-mute. We could see the mute button at bottom of the Skype window if you are on mute, un-mute it and enjoy  Skype push to talk feature aka walkie talkie 🙂

How To Use Skype Video Call

I hope this helps you, please share your comments and experience below in the comment box on the Skype Push To Talk feature. 🙂

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