Star Wars Battle Of Kamino
12.09.2019 admin

Kamino The birthplace of the Grand Army of the Republic. Kamino, the Clone homeworld, comes to Capital Supremacy in this month’s update. For details on this iconic location, check out our Community Transmission on it. Heroes vs Villains Changes to Heroes vs Villains comes this month.
Full Name | Kamino |
Type | Aquatic |
Kamino is a Planet in the Star Wars universe.
Purged from the otherwise complete Jedi Archives is all evidence of the mysterious world of Kamino. A lonely world beyond the Outer Rim and just south of the Rishi Maze, few could have predicted that Kamino would become a key contributor to a massive shift in political power in the final days of the Republic. Kamino is a planet of endless oceans and storms. Few features mark its surface, save for massive stilt-mounted cities wherein reside the planet's natural inhabitants, the Kaminoans. From Tipoca City, the planet's Prime Minister rules. Lama Su closely monitored the operations of Kamino's most prized export: clones. [1]
The stormy water world of Kamino was located in the Wild Space region beyond the Outer Rim.The planet was composed of a molten core with a rocky mantle and silicate rock crust. Climatic change had long ago submerged the planet's continents, drowning the planet under a global ocean that covered almost all of the surface, with a few islands left that were once mountain tops. These mountain-tips, though, were rained on almost incessantly.
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- Darth Plagueis
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Disclaimer: I do not own Halo or Star Wars; the trademark belongs to Bungie Studios and Microsoft Game Studios, and George LucDisclaimer: I do notown Halo or Star Wars; the trademark belongs to Bungie Studios andMicrosoft Game Studios, and George Lucas and Lucasarts respectively.
Author'sNotes: Thanks to the readers thatresponded, the votes (including mine) is 2-1 against her death, keepvoting please! And keep reviewing! Please!
Ichanged the Battle of Kamino a bit, hope you guys don't mind, thegeneral plot is like those of the canon version however. I added newstuff to spice the general battle up in space, and a bit on theground hopefully if I get there.
Onemore thing: the reason I wasn't able to update sooner was becausemy computer crashed, I saved the incomplete file (and the only copy)but my computer was formatted and I needed to install Microsoft Wordagain, so apologies for the delay.
ToZadok: Unfortunately, Cortana andthe Chief won't have any romances (for me too!) because Cortana's going to be moved not into aprotocol droid's body but an astromech's, like Artoo's (yayArtoo!) No, Cortana won't go rampant; Anakin fixed that part aswell when he fixed the program that caused Cortana to 'die' aswell.
Toharveykaiba: No, Anakin won't turn to the dark side, but the rest,you will have to wait (evil author, hehehe) until those chapters comeout.
Nelona10th,22 BBY
Kamino, Tipoca Citylanding pads
Anakinstood alone, the lightning flashing in the background as he thoughtof the war, and what it did with his relationship with his wife.
Truth is, he was not sure whether the war was agood thing or not. On one side, he was able to marry Padmé justafter the Battle of Geonosis, yet on the other, he couldn't see heroften. He continued to watch on the landing pad, where the AzureAngel landed, and then, deciding therewas nothing good gazing out, he turned and worked on getting thedefensive system that was going to be deployed by his ship into theAzure Angel.
His ship was modified slightly to carry a bit ofcargo, in this case, a defensive network of satellites and probesthat could in theory monitor everything within its range and in thehyperspace transits routes and simultaneously defend the planet.Already, the south side of the planet was linked with a sophisticateddefense system unlike any other. The rings of satellites had sensorsprotruding out to detect any anomalies and hyperspace entries andonce detected an unknown frequency will automatically engage aplanetary shield using its base projectors, stopping all flightsentering or exiting the planet impossible without the deactivation ofone pane. The additional probes were designed as auto-turrets anddefensive grid network, which provided turbolaser and laser defense.The networks were interconnected, but the top half of the globe wasstill vulnerable. Named the AegisSystem, it was the most powerful system ever devised.
He finished loading his parts, and readying totake off, he called starfighter control. 'Starfighter Control, thisis the Azure Angel,I'm ready for takeoff, can I go yet?' he reported in.
'Azure Angel,this is Control, you are clear to launch. Deploy, recon, and return,is that understood?' John called from the control center
'Gotit, C&C,' Anakin said as he launched.
TipocaAdministrative Facility and Command& Control
Johnstood in the scanner as Obi-Wan looked at the energy transfer output.
'Alright, we're ready for the transfer ofinformation, the frequency is matched to your neural interface now,'Obi-Wan said. John nodded, and the memory began to transfer. A momentlater, it was done.
'Didyou actually do these things or are they imagined, John?' Obi-Wanasked, looking at the screen.
'Done, is it so hard to believe? And besides,it's only in experience, the new drop pods are safer and faster,just no parachutes and a much faster velocity,' John replied. Heasked for a new pod with the materials they had, which is much moreresistant, and with no need of parachutes he could add coolants tokeep the troopers cool during drop.
The newer ships that would be the fleet that the101stLegion belong to would had much stronger and more numerous weaponry,as well as those from the Milky Way, notably Cortana's 'PlasmaLance' and the Plasma Torpedoes that replaced proton torpedoes. Thenew starfighters and tanks were also derived from the standardmodels. For example, the new prototype Aggressive ReConnaissance 170starfighters, or simply ARC-170's, were 3 people crafts, butreengineered for only one, with the rest of the space filled withmore advanced systems. The targeting system was advanced, the laserpowered up, and proton torpedoes replaced with SABOT-type rounds heknew were used hundreds of years ago on Earth.
Basically, what SABOT round did was a thinpenetrator warhead with heavy explosives packed in – thermonuclearin this case – was fired at an extremely high speed towards thetarget, damaging the target with the kinetic energy followed by thesubsequent detonation of the ordnance. In reality, it was acombination of the old SABER rounds and the Excalibur rounds whichhad a guidance system for a small ordnance. The torpedo launcherswere also changed, with the system being more of a Gauss cannon thana torpedo launcher. The tiny rounds were just over 80cm, so more than20 can be placed in, which was 14 more than Proton Torpedoes and 10times as destructive as the torpedoes.
However, the troopers had to make due to presentequipment until the new ships could be placed under mass ordering,which might take another year or two.

'Chief!' Cortana suddenly called, 'Something'sgoing on… I found Offensive Bias!'
'Wait a moment wait a moment wait a moment…you're talking about the same Offensive Bias I'm thinking about,right? The Offensive Bias that defeated Mendicant Bias?'
Kaminoinformation network
Cortana wasn't a woman – construct, actually –that was easily surprised, but she was, right now,completely and utterly surprised.
The Kaminoans were the Forerunners.
Shecontinued to communicate with Offensive Bias. 'Tell me, how longhave you been here?' she asked.
'Ever since the Flood was destroyed andcontained by the Arrays, I, along with the remnants of my fleet, leftthat galaxy, and rejoined at this coordinate, which is where weplanned to gather, and according to your database – yes, I canaccess them, I have full access to restricted and unrestricted fileswithin this network, around 100,000 Earth years have passed since thedefeat of Mendicant Bias,' Offensive Bias replied.
'Areyou in the network right now? Can I see you?' Cortana asked,intrigued.
'No,I reside in a Monitor's shell, and I am not on Tipoca City. I,however, can meet you, if you wish, as well as your correspondent,'Offensive Bias said. Cortana considered this for a moment, then,deciding it was safe, replied only one word, 'Sure.'
TipocaAdministrative Facility
'Youhave GOT TO BE JOKING!' Obi-Wan screamed at John, who simply lookedat Obi-Wan. 'Why would I be joking? I don't joke around a lot,except to piss Anakin off.'
'You're giving your MJOLNIR armor to theclones? Youalready caused this much mayhem, imagine what thousands of you might do!'
'They're not Force-Sensitive, nor are theytrained for 8 years non-stop realistically and had been in 27 yearsof non-stop combat against a technologically superior genocidalreligiously fanatics who thinks humans should be wiped out simplybecause that their God hates us, nor are they trained to prove thatthe impossible is possible,' John said. Obi-Wan shook his head athim. 'You know, both you and Anakin will be the death of me, if wecontinue to be at the front lines together.'
'Relax,it's only a weaker version of Mark V, strength enhancement's only150 their norm instead of 200, reaction time doesn't decrease, andthe alloy's different.'
'RememberI led a team of commandoes on Geonosis?'
'Yeah, I saw them, they had shields, correct?That was why they glowed like there was a deflector shieldsurrounding them.'
'Yes, I combined both the alloy and the armorthe commandoes had to create this. The alloy is hard but light, andgenerates its own shields according to its properties,' Johnexplained. He spent several nights with the Kaminoans and Cortana todevise the armor up. He was not a bout to abandon it.
'Whatelse is new, John?'
'Iadded ion repulsor jetpacks with the ion jets having secondaryfunctions.'
'Don't tell me what those are.' They'resilent for a moment, as they looked at the manufacturing facilitywhere the alloy was being produced.For now, as they were being produced, the troopers would have to usemodified clone commando armor, being lighter without the pack.
One month later,Helona 15th,22 BBY
Hyperspace, Lucrehulk-class Battleship #1087
'Weare disengaging hyperspace in 1 minute 37 seconds, commander,' apilot droid reported to Commander Merai, who was in charge ofattacking Kamino, with instructions left by Dooku himself.
'Good, soon, Kamino will fall, and victory isinevitable,' Merai murmured. 'Prepare to launch the Landingparties. Let's hope we can take out their facilities without themfinding out what happened, or else a lotof clones will come crashing down on us.'
But, as the fleet, which consisted of 2Lucrehulk-class battleships, #1032and 1087, 35Munificent-class frigates, a number of smaller Trade Federationsupply ships, holding the main droid attack forces, and 20Recusant-class Destroyers, emerged from hyperspace, they metsomething unlike those they've seen, save for a much smallerversion on Coruscant.
A network of satellites was orbiting the planet,and the instant they appeared, a shield snapped on. They instantlynoticed arrays of auto-turrets and orbiting defense units chargingup. Before they had a chance to react, they fired. The result wasdevastating. Most of the Recusant-class frigates were destroyed, anda narrow few were badly damaged, struggling to fire. Supply shipswere nowhere to be seen, destroyed by the massive firepower that theyjust received. The satellites began to charge again.
'Releaseall of our fighters, now!' Merai ordered frantically. On thetactical screen, fighters were launched out of the hangers, speedingtowards the shielding units and satellites, but suddenly, pin-pointlasers shot them down. Those of pulse-composite beam cannons. Meraiswore. The battle was getting out of hand. 'Raise our shields! Firethose turbolasers now! I don't care whether they'll overload,just try and destroy the defense network!'
'Sir, Delta-7 Aethersprite starfighters detectedascending from planet, shields have opened a gap, and they areengaging our fighters. Two crafts, identified as the AzureAngel and the Pillarof Autumn are heading towards thefleet, with 22 other Delta-7 fighters in position behind them. 20Acclamator-class Star Frigates are detected heading towards ourposition from the moon,' the pilot droid at sensor-op stationreported. All of the ships dispersed in all directions, engagingeverything within sight. They kept up their barrage, hoping that it'dwork. Unfortunately, it didn't. One by one, the ships weredestroyed by coordinated fire. However, the act of random movementswas enough to allow Merai's ship, along with 20 Munificent-classFrigates to blow a hole in the middle of the shields, allowingeverything to pass through.
Battleof Kamino
'Gotanother one!' Anakin called out as he flashed by, a fighterexploding as his cannons blasted it apart. John, nearby, was rollingaround dodging missiles and proton torpedoes, while using vulturedroids as cover. One by one, the Vulture Droids were destroyed, beinghit by their own missiles or the torpedoes launched by the capitalships.
'Alpha Squadron,converge up and follow me,' John said as a group of Delta-7smodified for the clones appeared. They're slightly slower and lessmaneuverable, but retained the firepower and added proton torpedolaunchers. They staggered their lines, then suddenly formed into anarc and fired their torpedoes at the ship, with John's twinconcussion missiles following. The Recusant-class ship detonatedunder the powerful shots to its exposed reactor. 'Next targetlabeled, Laser Designator locked-'
'Sir,they have destroyed a section of the shield, and are sending droidsdown, an invasion is confirmed. All stations, AAA turrets, AAturrets, Particle Cannons, all on standby. Every system is green,'Ground Control reported. John grimaced. Despite all the work, theyweren't expecting a Lucrehulk-class battleship to appear, much less2. The first one wasn't even damaged; the shots directed at theship were taken away in a suicidal attempt to protect the ship by thesmaller destroyers. John turned towards the planet, and saw the otherLucrehulk-class battleship, and a swarm of fighters.
'Alpha,Beta, converge up and attack that Lucrehulk, position marked, let'sgo,' John ordered as he fired up his slipspace drive to maximumpower, allowing all the Delta-7s to enter in. They entered, -
Lego Star Wars Battle Of Kamino Moc
-half a second later they appeared in the midst ofthe battle. All the Vulture Droids paused; they couldn't computewhy the enemy suddenly appeared in their midst. While they know ofthe existence of hyperspace, the routes entered into the computer,but the sheer closeness of the planet forbids such jumps, so unlessthe planet was destroyed, hyperspace jumps like that was impossible.However, they still had a job to perform, so they firedand continued their assault.
Johnwas in the midst of the midst; his cannons flashed as he weavedthrough the mass of enemies, the area in front of him lighting up ashe passed by fighters. Vulture Droids promptly detonated as hislasers scorched the propulsion system. His particle cannons fired,blowing apart more fighters with 2 shots. Within the span of seconds,he fired, barrel-rolled across, fired more, spin upwards, and emptiedhis payload. Four concussion missiles streaked across, splashingacross the Lucrehulk-class' hull. Small holes were seen, butnothing critical was hit.
23 Vulture Droids were destroyed in that maneuver.Another 50 were disabled from the power leakage to one of theantennae. 70 down, another trillion togo. Anakin, what was that word again?John said through the bond. Through it, he heard Anakin laugh, thenresponded with a series of Huttese curses that he never heard. Onsecond thought, no thanks, Anakin. Hewas suddenly hit with several laser blasts. 5 Vulture Droids werebehind him.
Theyweaved through the entire outer atmosphere, John in an attempt toshake the droids off, and the droids attempting a lock-on to fire apair of Proton Torpedoes. John then decided on one of the craziestthing he ever did: allow them to lock on. He was going to use themaneuverability of the torpedoes against them. He swerved around tothe Core Ship and slowed down but kept his trajectory straight. Atone was sounded signaling lock-on. He toned it down, just like backon the obstacle course that he first worked with Cortana on. Helooked backwards. 10 torpedoes followed.
Nonehit him.
Johnimmediately kicked his ship into high gear, looking as if he wasdodging the missiles when in reality he was trying to use the enemyships as cover. But torpedoes had good sensors and wouldn't befooled easily. So, he sped up on a Recusant-class Destroyer, andfired the particle cannons. The shields collapsed as he flew through,but just collapsed. The missiles went into the ship along with him.As he turned, he fired 2 bolts. The shield collapsed and convergedjust as he left. The missiles collided, completely overloading theshielding system. There was a loud explosion as the reactor shutdownas the surge overloaded the system and the failsafe activated. Heturned and fired all his cannons at the exposed reactor. There was abreach.
The Recusant-classdetonated, the shockwave passing over John's fighter. It wobbled,then began to lose power, as the reactor took a surge from theshields.
'Fuck!' John exclaimed as he started to plungedown towards the surface, his reactor inoperable. He weighed hisoptions. He could jump out or ride his ship down and crash. Anakinswooped past, his blue fighter and greenlasers evident in the background of red and blue.
'Hey John, what the shebsis going on?' Anakin asked, as he covered for John while Johnhurried to initiate his secondary reactor. His primary was completelyburnt out for some reason even though it shouldn't, but it was, sohe had to hurry up before he burns up in the atmosphere. There was aflicker of light.
Thesecondary power unit was online, a fusion core, which, while notenough to support the weapons system and the main engines, wereenough to power the shields and secondary engines, which combinedwith maneuvering thrusters should be enough for a landing, a crashedone at that.
'I'mgoing down! Mayday, mayday, this is Sierra-117, I have lost controlto my engines, primary reactor is inoperable and I am beginning asemi-controlled descent – no – tumble, into the atmosphere,standby for pickup, repeat, this is Sierra-117, I have lost controland is going down,' John said into his radio, hoping that thecontroller at the ground station could hear.
'Roger sir,we have fighters dispatched, two will be acquiring your signal andentry points,' a clone pilot said.
'Rogerthat, Sierra-117 standing by, over and out,' John cut thetransmission, and a countdown appeared, to time when he was going tocrash. He angled his ship better, and fired all the thrust he couldmanage. The ship plummeted downwards, and a laser bolt caught hisshields. It dissipated as he entered the atmosphere. 'Oh this isn'tgood.'
His ship started to heat up, but John was ready.He checked the systems, making sure they were online, then waited.One minute… two minute. He ejected when he was 15,000 feet above,and, like paratroopers, free-fell, to Tipoca City. He activated hisjetpack at 1500 feet and landed slowly onto the landing platformwhere his ship was now a smoking pile of trash. He looked inside,scavenging for one particular piece of equipment... which was notthere. Fortunately, the slipspace drive was not damaged, strangelyenough. The crash jolted the compartment holding the drive loose, andit was ejected 5 feet away, hidden by the smoke on John's approach.He picked it up and stored it in the wreckage where the CIS wouldn'tfind the ultraviolet radiation amidst all the other wavelengths.
He looked up as the clones landed, and he lockedinto their comm. Network, and using the broadband connection, calledFLEETCOM K. 'All ships, form a defensive network around Kamino,defensive shield has a breach around coordinates 30 67' and 87 94'76', converge and position so that no more landing parties can bedispatched.' John said and closed the connection. He had work todo: repelling the droids that landed. Just as he was leaving,however, a soft gold glow appeared, and a monitor appeared. With ajolt, John realized this was Offensive Bias
Unlike Mendicant Bias, this one was in a Monitorshell, but apparently much stronger. Yet, unlike Guilty Spark orPentient Tangent, this one glowed a pale gold much like his saberdid. 'Greetings, Reclaimer,' Offensive Bias intoned. John frownednoticing all the Forerunner AIs called him Reclaimer. 'Come, wehave much to do to save this planet.' And with that they werewarped away.
Slipspace, August 12th,2556
Aboard Assault Carrier Shadowof Intent, en route to join theBattle of Kamino
'Excellency, we are ready to exit slipspace,'a Sangheili Major reported to 'Vadum.
'Good, we will exit and hopefully strike rightinto the Separatist fleet in moments, warriors, prepare to land, weshall burn those droids to scrap,' 'Vadum ordered. Across thehanger bays, the Sangheilis and Unggoys readied themselves in the newdropships. They were a hybrid between the Pelican, with itsreversible engines, and the Phantom, with the gravity lift, largertroop carrying capacity, larger vehicular carrying capacity, andmultiple cannons. Unlike the others, the dropships used 3 gausscannons, and 6 miniguns.
'Fleet Master Vadum,' Fred called from theSupercarrier Trafalger.'We have exited Slipspace… the enemy fleet is quite large, we'reengagin at this moment.'
'We are exiting right now as well, warriors,prepare for battle.' The Battle of Kamino had just upped a notch.