Dragon Age Inquisition Qunari Mage


This is an aesthetic question, rather than a stats question. I have searched the internet to find any mage armor that has sometime of metal plate attachments for the battle-mage look for my mage character, but I have come up dry. I read forums suggesting pauldron schematic attachments, but I do not think those exist. I cannot even find any pictures of mage-armor on the web. I have traveled to the armor schematic merchant in Val Royeaux, and found only leathery looking schematic armor. I am also discovering that some mage armors cannot be worn by the Qunari.

Does aesthetic metal plated armor exist for mages in Dragon Age Inquisition? If it exists, what must be done to obtain it?

Mar 11, 2018 - I really want to be able to use musical instruments as weapons, it was in Dragon Age: Inquisition's multiplayer, so just grab that and make it a. Bull is the first Qunari in the Dragon Age series that’s romance-able and is fairly open about his preferences. The huge, bulging muscles and numerous battle scars don’t hurt to look at, either. Whether you’re horny or just curious, he’s definitely up for doing it. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, Qunari are a playable race for the Inquisitor and can be of any class. The Qunari Inquisitor is a Vashoth; a Qunari who was never born into the Qun. Racial benefits: 10% physical damage resistance.

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8 Answers

I remember reading somewhere (having trouble finding the source now), that each character has their own unique armor model. Basically, whatever item you equip on your Inquisitor - it will always look similar (except for colors). Equipping the same item to one of your companions, will make it look like their personal model.

Due to this fact, it is not possible to have a plate armor look for your mage, since the mage unique armor looks for you and your companions are generally cloth-like.

There's a masterwork item that removes the armor requirement on the crafted item, effectively allowing a mage to wear heavy armor. However, due to the fact stated above (which I tested in-game, to my disappointment), the look of the armor will change to your character's unique look.

Ivo CoumansIvo Coumans

Yes, sort of. If you craft armor with silverite (not necessarily the fade-touched masterwork, that is a bonus) as the main material, it removes class restrictions. The add-on schematics do exist, and are specific to the armor type (light, medium, and heavy). Mid-tier can be purchased at Val Royeaux, but can also be found 'in the wild', but you are at the mercy of the RNG on that front. After certain plot events, new areas will become available which have merchants who will sell you better schematics.

If you are looking for an early-game armor-like look, there are leg and arm addons that look like plate for the mage gear, but I do not think they can be purchased, but just be found in the world.


Enchanter Mail, for one, does have a metal breastplate. At least for my female, elven inquisitor mage.


If you want full heavy armor that is not a jacket with bits of metal. First you have to be human race, then go buy orlesian army heavy armor schematic from Val Royeaux. Use silverite in the main slot and bam! Mage in heavy armor! Orlesian armor is a preset look unlike almost every other amor set. Looks totally bad ass. Another one that is preset is warden armor. You can get the schematic from the danish camp in exalted plains. Best looking armor in my opinion, once again use silverite. (warden has no race lock). To correct what others have said there are some armors that will look the same across all characters and (warrior, rogue, mage) the only two I know of so far are Orlesian and Warden armor. Schematics are easy to get. Like I said before I recommend warden over Orlesian looks wise, it is also significantly cheaper. 900ish vs 3000ish.


I'd like to add that the Dragon Armor (even the light mage-friendly variety) is fully plated, and looks pretty bad-ass, particularly on a Qunari (though admittedly, I haven't tested it on a female). But I believe it's only a part of a pre-order bonus, and I'm not sure if it can be acquired independently


The heavy armors do not provide the full plated metal armor look available for the female Qunari.

I traveled to the hissing planes to buy the tier 3 Battlemaster Armor. I traveled to the Exalted planes to obtain the Tier 2 Warden armor. Both can be made using regular silverite, with no class restrictions. However, when I crafted both the tier 3 Battlemaster Armor and tier 2 warden armor and allowed each character to put on the armors, only my female Qunari character failed to show the full metal plated armor look. Instead she wore the mercenary armor from the beginning of the game using the warden armor, and she only wears a few metal pieces when she wears the Battlemaster armor.

I want to send a message to Bioware and EA that this needs to be fixed immediately. Players want to wear full plated armor on any character they choose, independent of race, gender, and possibly class.

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There is very good looking armour available but it requires some customizing with the Arms and Legs addons etc.

Dragon age inquisition qunari mage armor

For example, Battlemage Mail combined with Battlemage Mail Arms and Battlemage Coat Legs looks amazing IMO, especially if you get the right colours. Add a hook onto it and it looks even better.

Battlemage Coat with the Coat addons can also look really damn sweet - the shoulders actually look similar to Corypheus'.


Vanguard Mail has the plated metal look, if you use silverite you can use it on any character and it actually looks cool on a female Quinari mage. Diablo 2 lord of destruction download zip.

Dragon Age Inquisition Qunari Mage Item Mods


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