Remove My Picture From Outlook


How to add and remove background color or image in Outlook?

  1. Outlook - Hide the profile pictures. Ask a question. Outlook will automatically display the profile pictures of your online contacts. To disable this feature: Click on File Options Contacts. Scroll to the 'Online status and photographs' section. Uncheck 'Show user photographs when available'. Click on OK and restart Outlook.
  2. Outlook - Hide the profile pictures. Ask a question. Outlook will automatically display the profile pictures of your online contacts. To disable this feature: Click on File Options Contacts. Scroll to the 'Online status and photographs' section. Uncheck 'Show user photographs when available'. Click on OK and restart Outlook.

Boring by the plain white of background in an Email message? Actually you can customize background colors or images when you are composing an Email message. Here we will show you how to easily configure background color or images in a message, and remove the background color or images as well.

That sounds like a long job. It doesn't look like you actually can remove the picture from the reading pane unless you remove the picture from the contact. What you can do though is hide the header info in the reading pane. You do that by viewcurrent viewcustomize current viewother settingshide header.

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Add background color in Outlook

It is quite easy to configure a background color when you are composing an Email message.

Step 1: Get into the Message Window.

By the way, you will get into the Message Window after you click the New E-mail button under Home Tab in Microsoft Outlook 2010 and 2013.
In Microsoft Outlook 2007, just click the File > New > Mail Message.

Step 2: Click the Page Color button in the Theme group under Options tab.

Note: the Page Color button won’t valid until you activate the message editing area.

Step 3: Pick up one of the theme colors, and click it.

Then the whole message editing area is filled with the color you selected in Step 2.

Add background image in Outlook

Apart from background color, you are able to add a background image in the message editing area too.

Step 1: Get into the Message Window.

In Outlook 2010 /2013, click the Home > New Email; and In Outlook 2007, click the File > New > Mail Message.

Step 2: After activating the message editing area, please click the Page Color > Fill Effects in the drop down menu under Options tab. See the following screen shot:

Step 3: In the popping up Fill Effects dialog box, click the Select Picture button under Picture tab.

Step 4: In the Select Picture dialog box, select a picture and click Insert button.

Step 5: Click the OK button to finish the configuring.

Then the selected picture is filled the whole message editing area as a background. Filthy frank 2 guns.

Note: The recipient will receive the email with the background image that you have configured.

Remove background color or image in Outlook

The following steps will help you remove the background color or images you configured before.

Step 1: Click the Page Color button in the Theme group under Option tab in the Message Window.

Step 2: Click the No Color item in the drop down menu.

Then either the background color or the background image is removed from the Email message at a glance.

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How To Remove My Picture From Outlook 2007

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  • This contain is very informative.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Wow this tutorial really help me.Before read this tutorial I am try do this but i can’t understand but after see this
    tutorials now i am satisfied.
    It is very informative.If you need any unique image design for your business,logo design,remove background and any kinds
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    Thanks for this helpful tutorials.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    I want to add a pic to the mail by using the filleffects and there the picture is repeating many times.I want here to see the only one pic image in the entire screen not the plain colours. and for the some images the entire screen get 1 and for some it repeats many times.please suggest
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    when I click fill effects and choose picture, it doesn't occupy the whole editing ares, the picture comes in a grid form. So please let me know which option to change.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    How do I set the default to 'No Color'?
    Right now all new email comes with an annoying fill effects pattern.
    • You can change this by selecting blank theme. Go to File, Options, Mail and click the Stationery and Fonts button.
      Click the Theme button and choose (No Theme)
      • Theme button is not Active, shows 'Themes are not installed' , even though in All new mails Still theme showing.

In Outlook, everywhere I look, I see a placeholder as the Contact’s picture.

Rather than seeing this placeholder all the time, can’t I simply remove it altogether?

The really short answer; Yes, you can!

  • Outlook 2010
    File-> Options-> Contacts-> disable: Show user photographs when available
  • Outlook 2013
    File-> Options-> People-> disable: Show user photographs when available

Restart Outlook, and the pictures won’t show anymore.

Sadly, it really is an all or nothing deal here. When you do have a picture set for a contact, it won’t be shown anymore either.

Outlook 2013’s huge message header

If you thought that removing the Contact image from the message header would reduce the space the message header takes up, I need to disappoint you; It doesn’t.

Especially when you have a relatively small screen and the Reading Pane at the bottom, this can be quite an issue. In those cases, it is better to have the Reading Pane on the right side.

This feedback has definitely been heard by the Outlook Team though.

Contact pictures can come from multiple sources

Note that there isn’t any need to manually set a picture for each contact of your own. The pictures that you see for your Contacts can be set or obtained via any mix of the following methods:

  • Set manually for the contacts in your Contacts folder.
    Just open the contact item and set a picture (except via the People view in Outlook 2013).
  • Obtained via the Outlook Social Connector (People Pane).
    For instance, from Facebook, LinkedIn or SharePoint.
  • Obtained via the Address Book of your Exchange account.
    This is usually set and maintained by User Management and can’t be set by yourself in Outlook.

Note: In all cases, the picture isn’t part of the message itself and you are also not sending out your emails with your contact picture attached. If your recipients sees an image of you, it is because it was obtained by one of the above methods.

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