Distant Outpost Battle Map Mining Colony


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Ring of Kafrene

The Ring of Kafrene, also referred to simply as Kafrene, was a mining colony and deep-space trading post in the Kafrene asteroid belt of the Thand sector.The Alliance to Restore the Republic sent intelligence agent Cassian Andor here prior to the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, leading Andor to learn of the existence of the Death Star. With an outpost system, you could establish a soft claim to the system and planet and prevent a single colony ship from depriving you of this extremely valuable resource without resorting to shooting down incoming colony ships and killing civilians.

General information


Points of interest

Chronological and political information


'Where good dreams go bad.'
―Unofficial slogan found on graffiti[src]

The Ring of Kafrene, also referred to simply as Kafrene, was a mining colony and deep-space trading post in the Kafrene asteroid belt of the Thand sector. The Alliance to Restore the Republicsent intelligence agent Cassian Andor here prior to the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, leading Andor to learn of the existence of the Death Star.


The Ring of Kafrene was a monumental construction which served as both a mining colony and a deep-space trading post. Its structures, made from durasteel and plastoid, were slung between a pair of malformed planetoids in the Kafrene asteroid belt. Areas such as its aft docking bay were covered in lurid, phosphorescent graffiti. Roads led out from the docking bays towards the distant rock warrens of the planetoids, and the outpost itself was a labyrinthine sprawl of shacks, prefabricated housing, and countless maze-like corridors. Although there was some structure to the buildings around the main throughways, beyond these areas the layout of the Ring changed almost daily; shacks were made of sheet metal, and shelters utilized housing units recycled from foreign colonies. Alien housing complexes and tenements featured ventilation shafts that sent wafts of ammonia into the streets.[1] The Ring acted as a junction between the Rimma Trade Route—which connected it to the planetsCoruscant and Anoat—and the Biox Detour, which connected it to the planets Takodana and Malastare.[4]


The Ring of Kafrene was constructed by members of nobility in the Galactic Republic, and was established as a mining colony to strip the asteroids and planetoids of the Kafrene asteroid belt of any valuable minerals. However, the founders soon realized that such coveted minerals were scarce in the Kafrene belt, and the failed mining venture became a trading post and stopover point for desperate travelers[1] through the Thand sector.[2] The Galactic Empire maintained a presence on Kafrene, and Imperial stormtroopers patrolled its streets.[3]

Prior to the Liberation of Erso on Wobani, the Alliance to Restore the Republic sent Cassian Jeron Andor to the Ring of Kafrene[3] to investigate why Imperial shipments of kyber crystals were being shipped across the galaxy.[5] He met with Tivik in section nine, an informant who revealed the existence of a 'planet-killer'–truly the Death Star–before stormtroopers accosted the pair. Cassian shot them down, then killed Tivik when he proved a liability, before fleeing the area.[3]

At the same time as the Rebel Alliance celebrated their fleet on the Mako-Ta Space Docks, Han Solo was on the Ring of Kafrene with Chewbacca and C-3PO, where he made a deal with an Alaphani for a set of transponder codes. After Chewbacca noticed a pair of bounty hunters watching them, Solo finished the deal, giving the Alaphani credit chips in exchange for the codes. The two bounty hunters followed them, but were ambushed by Solo, who took their weapons and promised them that Jabba would get his money. They boarded the Millennium Falcon and left the Ring of Kafrene,[6] returning to Mako-Ta to discover that it was under attack by Darth Vader and his Death Squadron.[7] After escaping the attack, he sold the data that he got from the Ring of Kafrene to Sana Starros on Nar Shaddaa.[8]



As a deep-space trading outpost and stopover point for travelers, the Ring of Kafrene hosted crowds of individuals including humans, nonhumans, and beings of indeterminate genders. Many of these became stuck on the outpost, sentenced to live among the pressing crowds with a characteristic plodding gait. Workers toiled during the day, and stuck to the main throughways at night due to the constantly shifting nature of the Ring's layout.[1]


  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story(First appearance)
  • Star Wars 55: Hope Dies, Part VI(Mentioned only)
  • Alphabet Squadron(Mentioned only)

Non-canon appearancesEdit

  • LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars – 'The Chase with Han/Escape with Chewbacca'
  • LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars – 'Dealing with Lando/Han and Chewie Strike Back'


  • Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Rogue One? on StarWars.com (backup link)

Notes and referencesEdit

Wookieepedia has 13 images related to Ring of Kafrene.
  1. One: A Star Wars Story novelization
  2. 2.02.1Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Rogue One? on StarWars.com (backup link)
  3. One: A Star Wars Story
  4. Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide
  5. Star Wars: Rogue One: Rebel Dossier
  6. Star Wars 50: Hope Dies, Part I
  7. Star Wars 51: Hope Dies, Part II
  8. Star Wars 55: Hope Dies, Part VI



Reynes was a former mining colony and later a UNSC listening outpost.[1] Before the Covenant glassed the colony, there were about 50,000 miners working on the planet.


Before and during the Human-Covenant War, Reynes was used by the UNSC to mine aluminium, tantalum and copper.[2] In January 2553, it was used as a temporary listening station, operated by Mike Spenser, until he was exfiltrated. He stayed underground in the mines of the colony, which had remained largely intact after the glassing. A group of Kig-Yar would occasionally scavenge the colony for tantalum, and at least one of them was capable of communicating with Spenser. These Kig-Yar served as informants for Spenser. A lone Unggoy would also arrive to clean Spenser's base in the mines.

Distant Outpost Battle Map Mining Colony Nc

While Malcolm Geffen and Vasily Beloi were evacuating Spenser, a group of Kig-Yar pirates moved in on their Pelican, wanting to take it for themselves. After several disagreements, the situation escalated into a firefight in which all Kig-Yar were killed, and Mal received a dent in his helmet from a Type-31 Rifle round.[3]

In April 2553, another group of Kig-Yar, including Chol Von's mate Vek, travelled to Reynes to look for tantalum deposits.[4]Download the last remnant.


Reynes is a town in southern France.

List of appearances[edit]

  • Halo: Glasslands(First appearance)
  • Halo: The Thursday War(Mentioned only)


Distant outpost battle map mining colony new york
  1. ^Halo: Glasslands, page 152
  2. ^Halo: Glasslands, page 153
  3. ^Halo: Glasslands, page 158
  4. ^Halo: Mortal Dictata, page 68
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