Fallout 2 Fn Fal

  1. Fn Fal Parts Kit
  2. Fallout 2 Fn Fal For Sale

Solid state pc computers. Fallout 2, part of, of course the Fallout series, was released in 1998. This installment improves much upon its predecessor, being a game where you can do just about anything, within reason.Depending on your actions, intelligence, charisma, gender and patience, each playthrough is a wildly different experience. Numerous pop culture references make this game a troper's best friend.

  • In Fallout 1 the 7.62mm rounds were 7.62x39, in Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics the 7.62mm rounds were 7.62x51 NATO. Since the 7.62mm rounds in Nuka World are being used in an AK, it is very obvious that they are 7.62x39mm, the round most commonly used by AK family rifles. It's absolutely perfectly fine for the FAL to be chambered in.308.
  • The FN FAL fires 11 bullets per burst, with or without a night sight. The HPFA fires 18 bullets per burst, which is less than its default 20, but the HPFA now has a 20% bonus to hit that the other FN FALs do not. The FN FAL has a capacity of 33, with or without a night sight. The HPFA has a capacity of 36.

  • Making profit from weapon upgrades

Go to Eldridge (New Reno Arms) and buy as many Magnums, Desert Eagles, Hunting and Assault Rifles, and FN FALs as you can afford. Next, go around the building, enter the back door and use the stairs to descend to Algernon. Let him upgrade all your freshly bought weapons, then go back on the same route and sell them back. Upgraded weapons worth much more than their regular counterparts, but Algernon upgrades for free (not to mention the extra clip)! The best is probably the Assault Rifle: aside from the weapon itself being more expensive, you'll get a fresh clip - which has enough ammo to fully load two regular ARs! I just chose these weapons as Eldridge always has some for sale. These are the available upgrades:
.44 Magnum (Speed Load) [reloading costs only 1 AP]
Desert Eagle (ext. cap) [clip capacity is 20]
Assault Rifle (ext. cap) [clip capacity is 100]

Fn Fal Parts Kit

FN FAL NV [gives the same accuracy at night]
Mega Power Fist [more damage]
Super Cattle Prod [more damage]
Scoped Hunting Rifle [higher range, but accuracy penalty at close range]
Improver Flamer [unknown]
Plasma Pistol (ext. cap) [battery capacity doubled]
Magneto-Laser Pistol [better armor peneteration]
Laser Rifle (ext. cap) [battery capacity doubled]
Turbo Plasma Rifle [higher damage, NOT faster like in Fallout]
These are NOT upgrades, the two weapons are independent from each other:
HK G11 -> HK G11E
Minigun -> Avenger
Avenger -> Vindicator Submitted by amitakartok

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The FN FAL is a semi-automatic 7.62mm calibre rifle issued as standard to many military units throughout the world.
It has been made by Fabrique Nationale de Herstal (FN) in Belgium since 1954 and has been described as 'the right arm of the Free World'
Although not normally fully automatic, the FAL was put up as an answer to the AK-47, and it uses the longer cartridge giving a much improved range.
This example is a British issue FAL, called the SLR, which was in use until 1987, when it was replaced by the L85A1.
Gun, Elephant, Semi-Automatic. My old man's preferred firearm when he was in the British Army.
FYI Trooper Fishers Story
my dad never got over this and it haunted him til cancer claimed him a few years ago, he was finally found and returned to Aust in 2008 by the same group of volunteers that found both the Canberra crew and all the other MIA Vietnam members of Aust.
SAS: Phantoms of the Jungle
A History of the Australian Special Air Service,
Allen & Unwin
On the morning of 27 September 1969, at 0835,as the patrol approached a track which they had located the previous day, “they sighted eight well-armed NVA at a range of about ten metres.
The Australians froze, hoping that their camouflage would be successful against the background of the jungle, while for a full ten seconds the NVA stopped, looking in their direction.
Suddenly one NVA started to lift his AK47 and the Squad Leader and his forward scout, Private John Cuzens, shot three NVA with well-aimed shots to the chest and throat.
Private Les Liddington killed a fourth.
A group of NVA then tried to outflank the patrol to their right and they were engaged by the patrol second- in-command, Private David Fisher; one enemy was seen to fall as if hit in the body.
Under the Section Commanders direction the patrol withdrew using fire and movement.
The enemy expected the Australians to withdraw through thick jungle, but He chose a more open route and they covered about 300 metres before being located by the enemy.
By now the patrol had reached the Suoi Trong and as they scrambled up the bank two rounds from an RPG slammed into the bank.
He was pushing his medic up the bank and received slight shrapnel wounds to the face.
But the explosion was deafening; he felt an agonising stab of pain in his ear and blood started to run out of it down the side of his face.
Looking around he could see about 30 enemy in a semi-circle sweeping towards the creek.
Again he directed a withdrawal using fire and movement, and once they reached the cover of the primary jungle he ordered the patrol to stop firing and to remain motionless, standing back to back in a thick clump of vegetation.
Away to the east they could hear firing from another group of NVA and an enemy officer was blowing a whistle, directing the advance against the SAS.
'Gents, we aren't going to go no where', the Squads Commander stated quietly to his patrol.
Nearby he could see a small opening in the canopy where some artillery had exploded some months earlier,and he realised that they could be extracted from this area.
All around they could hear the enemy firing single shots, trying to draw their fire.
It was now about 1100 and he told the radio operator,Les Liddington, that he had to obtain communications with Nui Dat.
The patrol continued to stand back to back with the enemy moving all around.
Quietly they attached their Swiss seats and waited for the helicopter.
Suddenly the enemy came closer.
'Joe, we've got to move', whispered one of the patrol members.
'No', said Joe, 'we'll fight it from here'.
He pulled out an M26 grenade and put it in his top pocket.
Just then he heard the helicopters in the distance, vectoring in on the URC 10 beacon.
' About time', he thought, although it was less than half an hour since they had sent their message.
It started to rain again.
He let the Albatross lead come closer, not wanting to speak on his URC 10 in case he was heard by the NVA.
'Bravo Nine Sierra One One, this is Albatross Leader', came the voice over the radio.
Two or three minutes later the gunships started their run.
The Section Leader then threw a smoke grenade, the gunships opened fire,and the lead helicopter, piloted by F/O Michael Tardent RAAF, skilfully dropped its rope 20 metres down into the gap in the canopy.
There had been no enemy fire for some time, but now the patrol thought that they saw incoming tracer fire, and just before clipping on their Karabiners they delivered a long burst of fire towards the suspected enemy location.
They were lifted about ten metres off the ground and Paul Saxton became caught in the fork of a tree.
Van Droffelaar spoke on his URC 10 and the helicopter lowered sufficiently for Saxton to then extricate himself.
As soon as they were clear of the jungle the gunships moved in and the helicopter gathered speed.
The ropes were all at different lengths and Private David Fisher was on the longest rope.
Suddenly the other members realised that Fisher was missing; he had fallen from a height of about 30 metres.
The helicopter travelled about two kilometres, landed and allowed the four remaining patrol members to scramble aboard.
They then returned to the site where they thought Fisher had fallen but could see no sign of him.
By the time the helicopter reached Nui Dat Major Reg Beesley was preparing to lead a patrol to find Fisher.
Meanwhile Captain Ross Bishop took off in a Sioux accompanied by a light fire team, and he continued searching from about 1300 to 1500.
At about 1630 Beesley and a nine-man patrol rappelled into the jungle to begin the search, and next morning they were joined by C Company 9 RAR.
The company sighted three VC and killed one before it was relieved on 1 October 1969 by B Company 6 RAR.
Fisher's body was never found.
Aged 23, he was a National Serviceman whose tour had two months to run.
A subsequent investigation found that it was likely that in the heat of the moment he had attached his Karabiner not to the correct loop at the end of the rope, but to the false loop created where the free end of the rope had been taped back.”
The exact cause of his loss has never been established.
The scene in the US Movie PLATOON was based on this incident after Oliver Stone, himself a Vietnam Vet, met some ANZAC Vietnam Vets in the USA and they discussed his loss.
Fisher, D J E
Number: 2787344
Rank: Private (Trooper in SAS)
Unit: 3 SAS Sqd SASR
Service: Army
Conflict: Vietnam, 1962-1972
Date of Death: 27/09/1969
Place of Death: South Vietnam
Cause of Death: Missing presumed dead (battle casualty)
Memorial Panel: 5
Cemetery or Memorial Details:
Next Of Kin: Father - Mr W A Fisher
Minister for Defence Science and Personnel
Thursday, 11 September 2008
The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon. Warren Snowdon MP, today announced that remains recovered in the Cam My District of Vietnam in late August have been officially identified as Private David Fisher.
Private David Fisher of the Special Air Services Regiment (SASR) fell from a rope beneath a Royal Australian Air Force helicopter during a “hot extraction” of his patrol on 27 September 1969.
It is now known that Private Fisher died as a result of the fall and was hastily buried by enemy soldiers who discovered his body afterwards.
“I am very pleased that the remains of this brave soldier have now been accounted for and his family, mates and country can finally welcome him home to rest in peace.
“Thankfully, Private Fisher’s identification tags were not removed and this has been extremely useful during the recovery process.
“Finding Private Fisher after nearly 40 years brings us near to the end of another chapter in the history of the Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War,” Mr Snowdon said.
Planning is now underway to repatriate Private Fisher’s remains home to Australia.
Private Fisher is the fourth and last Australian Soldier to be located and his return will complete the recovery of all Australian Army personnel who were lost on operations and not recovered during the Vietnam War.
Lance Corporal Parker and Private Gillson were repatriated to Australian in June 2007 and Lance Corporal Gillespie in December 2007.
Two Royal Australian Air Force personnel, Flying Officer Michael Herbert and Pilot Officer Robert Carver remain unaccounted for from the Vietnam War.
The family of Private Fisher request that media respect their privacy during this difficult time.
A lot of the SAS Lads preferred the SLR to the M16 in the 'bush' for more then a few reason but 2 my dad mentioned were they never jammed as much and had a better stopping power, and for the patrol work they were doing in Vietnam and Malaya were ideal for anything from sniping to close in work.
Yep, a great all-rounder and a good successor to the Lee-Enfield as a 'standard issue rifle'
I was a passable shot in my RAF days, my father was a great shot especially with the Lee-Enfield - he won trophies at Bisley in his time in the RAF, and his father was a sniper in WW1..
my dads fav gun was the Bren and the Owen - both of which he was a good shot with.
he used to say that the Bren was the only gun you could put a whole magazine of fire through the same hole in the target due to its accuracy.
the only complaint he had about it was the insert curse word here things weight.
but as a weapon he said it was second to none and in Vietnam even though it was unavailable several times SAS made requests for its use (or its more modern descendent)only to be told use the M60 - which while good was no where near as accurate in sustained fire.
Aha, I have often cursed the weight of that thing - in my case an LMG, which was basically a Bren re-barreled for 7.62mm ammo. I was lucky though in that I only got to lug it around on exercises, my everyday routine was that of a technician involving no guns whatsoever
yeah dad had a few tales about brens and their weight as well, esp the dammed tripod as he described it once.
I had a bipod which was bad enough - but the most annoying thing about exercises was the officer in charge who would run off into the darkness carrying his pistol or sub-machine gun, and then bitch about me not keeping up - so many times I wanted to point out that he was 10 years younger than me and also carrying 1/4 of the weight..
grins re officers
dad said when ever they tried to get him to go for a commission he would say i want to work for a living not sit on my a-- and fill out forms all day grins
he finished up as a WO2 but always said his best times was being a section leader as a corp.
Yep, a lot of services function as a result of SCNOs - my dad was an RAF Chief Technician when he left after 22 years, but I never had that level devotion to it so only did 12 and left as a corporal..
(1 Reply)
That looks alot like the kind of rifle my character uses.
Could you do me a favor? Could you make a few mods. Scope, longer barrel, 100 round clip?
Remind me again in a week or so, things are difficult right now..
the brazilian army love it.
when i was in the army i had my own FN FAL, it's very accurate in all aspects!
I don't like guns/rifles at all (which is ironic because I was in the Army for 12 years) but I do still respect the old SLR. It was the first thing I ever fired. Nice job on the drawing.
Thanks - it was the first real gun that I fired also, though being in the RAF, it was not that often that we wore camo and played at being soldiers lol..
Fabrique Nationale de Herstal Fusil Automatique Léger I love that name and the weapon. I used to play Fallout 2 a lot, and for some time this was the weapon of choice, until I ran out of bullets Oh how it makes me wish I had my old computer back
Yeah, you *could* load 30 rounds, but 25 was recommended for reliability. And I almost wish I had my old Mac back too, just so I could play Deus Ex again..

Fallout 2 Fn Fal For Sale

The only reason why the FAL was in 7.62mmNATO was because of the US bigwigs still thinking WWI..
If it hadn't been for them, FAL woulda been in .280.
But it would still be cool to have one of those.
It's weird how things have turned around and small calibres are becoming the norm..
Actually, we're going back towards bigger calibers.
7.92K -> 7.62M43/7.62NATO -> 5.56NATO/5.45M74 -> 6.8SPC/6.5Grendel + 5.8mmChinese.
WWII there were .30Carbine and the 7.92x33mm.
Post-war the russians selected the 7.62x39mm and the west had to take the 7.62x51mm (because of US, and the round is about as powerful as the 7.62x54mmR)
In Vietnam the US wisened up and seleced an intermediate round, the 5.56x45mm. Russians followed suit, as they discovered that smaller rounds can produce more grievous wounds, so they took the 5.45x39mm.
Some time ago China took the 5.8x42mm
Now there's competition for rounds with long (AR scale) range, high velocity, and high energy.
Primary contenders being the 6.8x43mm SPC and the 6.5x39mm Grendel.
my uncle used this exact same rifle during his military service (1 year after the 'falklands')
I was in the RAF from 76 to 88, but didn't get sent, fortunately..
Oh, I was never that high up - just a technician working on radars and missiles like this one: [link]
oh..so what you did was supplying the planes then?
Not quite - the Bloodhound was a surface-to-air missile designed to shoot planes down..
Indeed - according to the Wiki, there were 90 countries..!
Used one of these when I was in the Army Reserve in New Zealand back in the early eighties. A reliable and accurate weapon, but quite heavy to carry around
It was the RAF for me - most of the time I was a technician, but they still made you run around with guns now and then..
i almost got one exactly like this. i got the M14 instead. maybe another time i'll get one of these too ^^
gotta love the power of that 7.62x51 NATO round XD
You know you're firing something that's for sure - just watch your cheek-bone though - the stock can twitch up a bit..
oh yeah thats for sure. course that wont happen if you dont hold your cheek really close to the stock. i learned from shooting my M14 and Mosin Nagants
OOh, delving into guns now, eh? I like it! Keep up the good work!
Have been since 2007 - just a very low rate of production.. [link]
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