Zaaz 20k Vibration Machine

  1. Zaaz 20k Pros And Cons
  2. Zaaz Vibration Machine Manual

ZAAZ's motion therapy technology provides safe and effective stimulation of joints and muscles, helping mitigate the symptoms of circulatory issues and chronic pain. Our patented, FDA-listed machine fits easily into both your home and your busy lifestyle, working over 90% of your muscles in as little as 12 minutes per day. ZAAZ works your muscles by gently forcing them to contract and release. This lengthens the muscle fibers and stretches them as the muscles let go. Just a few minutes of ZAAZ helps your muscles and joints become more limber and helps reduce inflammation or soreness after any other athletic activity.

Zaaz 20k pros and consEndocrinology, 20 minutes a day on vibrating platform over the course of three months reduced fat in the abdomen and liver and increased levels of osteocalcin, a protein that strengthens bones. This may be exciting news if you don't want to or can't participate in more strenuous exercise such as running on a treadmill, with one caveat: you have to be a mouse. If you are human, well, wait until WBV is more thoroughly tested in humans.Zaaz vibration machine costco price

Here are details on the good vibrations study. A team of researchers from Augusta University assembled two different types of five-week-old mice: healthy ones and those genetically altered to become obese and diabetic. Then they put each type of mouse through one of three types of 12-week regimens: remaining sedentary, regularly running on a treadmill and regularly undergoing WBV. WBV seemed to have comparable effects to running on the treadmill in helping the mice lose weight and improving their diabetes (as measured by glucose and insulin tolerance testing). Yes, shaking the mice (which causes their muscles to contract and relax and stresses their bones) may be as effective as stirring them toward more vigorous exercise.

But before you go buy a jackhammer or start sitting on a washing machine, keep in mind that the study did not test all types of vibrations, just one specific type of WBV. This Occupational Health and Safety article from Rob Brauch summarized some of the problems that exposure to different types of vibrations can cause, such as nausea, fatigue, visual disturbances, tissue damage and talking like you're speaking into a fan. Do these concerns apply to WBV? The Augusta University study lasted only 12 weeks, probably not be long enough to study the long-term effects of WBV. And no one has definitively determined all of the possible frequencies and amplitudes at which vibrations may be helpful or harmful.

Zaaz 20k Pros And Cons

Additionally, what applies to mice doesn't necessarily apply to humans. Even though mice and humans have some similarities, they do have a number of differences. For example, mice are not allowed to rent cars and rarely wear spandex. Their bodies and physiology are different enough that treatments effective for mice may not work or may even be harmful for humans. Additionally, since mice don't tend to fill out questionnaires, the researchers could not tell all of the possible symptoms or ill effects from the WBV. More research with humans is necessary to better determine the risks and benefits of using WBV for weight loss.

Zaaz Vibration Machine Manual

Here German Olympic speedskater Anni Friesinger stands on a vibrating platform. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)

Of course, some gyms, spas, fitness trainers and vibrating machine manufacturers have already been claiming that WBV can help you lose weight...because who cares about science these days? This Daily Mail piece says that Madonna used a vibrating plate to get into shape, and a Los Angeles Times piece stated that Sean 'Diddy' Combs and Heidi Klum have 'been unofficially linked' to vibrating plates as well. Certainly, the thought of just standing on a vibrating platform rather than doing real work is appealing, and the Augusta University study is promising, but...

WBV certainly will not replace all of the benefits of real cardiovascular exercise or active sports, and studies have not yet proven that WBV can lead to weight loss in humans. (In general, keep your exercise regimens and workouts varied, because a single exercise or machine is not going to bring you every possible benefit and may in fact increase the risk of injury.) Therefore, don't bank on WBV being truly effective for weight loss and diabetes treatment just yet. The available evidence for humans is still quite shaky.

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